Sunday, July 24, 2011

A weekend of fun and sleep

Sherman LOVES to go fishing any chance he gets. I don't mind too much because it provides food to eat. Lately, he has been going fishing on Saturday mornings with her friend David from our ward. Yesterday, Sherman came home with a great catch! He caught his first steelhead (a trout that has gone out to the ocean and come back up the river) which was approximately 8 lbs and 30 inches long!

 The Steelhead Sherman caught plus two trouts.

 My proud fisherman!!

LOL! Fishhead!

In the afternoon, my beautiful sister, Sabrina, came over to hang out. Sometimes I wished she lived closer (she lives in Eugene, about an hour and half away). As children we didn't get along much, but now we are like best-friends and we talk almost everyday! Sabrina brought her dog with her so our dogs could play together ... really they just both lay there and sleep lol! 

Sabrina napping on the love seat with both of our dogs. 

We made a yummy pasta for dinner that had zucchini and tomatoes with a white sauce over egg noodles and garlic bread on the side. 

Unfortunately, my back was hurting a lot so I took all my pain killers so I could go to sleep. Right now the doctors have me on 5 different pain killers. The good news is that they do help me to get some relief from the pain, but the bad news is that they make me feel nausea, dizzy, super sleepy, can't think straight, and just not myself. Today I woke up early in the morning with pain so I took for painkillers and didn't wake up again until 4pm. I feel like my life is just passing me by when I'm on the drugs. Tomorrow, I'm having my 3rd injection. The last two haven't helped, in fact I hurt worse after them, but the doctor wants to try another time. We will see what happens. However, I'm grateful for the good moments that help get through the good ones.

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