Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Boise Trip (6/29 - 7/1)

At the end of June, we traveled out to Boise Idaho to see my brother, Sean get married to his beautiful bride, Monica! We had lots of fun and I'm so glad that we were able to go. Here are some pictures I took:

 At Monica's bridal shower 

 waiting outside the temple for the Bride and Groom to come out after the ceremony 
Above: Sabrina my sister; Below: Sherman and I

 A few pictures showing Sean and Monica's personalities! I love them!

 All the family on both sides that were there for the wedding 
(Monica comes from a HUGE family)

 Sean's side of the family
 Like father, like son
 It was such a pleasure meeting Monica's parents!

 Being at their wedding reminded us a lot of our sealing and wedding. 
It was nice to have the reminder.
 LOL! My sister and I are always silly together!
 The Bailey children and their spouses!

 I loved this picture that was part of the centerpiece of the table we sat at.
 Very yummy food!
 Who gave Sean a knife? LOL

 That's one way of serving cake to your bride.
 I like how she is looking at Sean out of the corner of her eyes.
 Sean & Monica's hands with their wedding rings. 
I took this picture because there was a similar picture taken at my parents' wedding.
 The car! We could not believe what had been done to their car!
There was whip cream, cookies, candy, toilet paper, and peanut butter on the handles.

 Two of Monica's brothers took to the car to a local car wash and cleaned it before the bride and groom left. It looked much better!
 My beautiful new sister-in-law ready to leave for her honeymoon!

With standing outside the temple for pictures and swimming for a bit between the wedding and dinner, I got VERY sunburned! I spent the next few days in my new swimsuit without the straps on.

All and all, it was a great wedding and I'm so very happy for my brother and his new beautiful bride! Welcome to the family Monica! We are so happy to have you in our family!

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