Sunday, July 24, 2011

A weekend of fun and sleep

Sherman LOVES to go fishing any chance he gets. I don't mind too much because it provides food to eat. Lately, he has been going fishing on Saturday mornings with her friend David from our ward. Yesterday, Sherman came home with a great catch! He caught his first steelhead (a trout that has gone out to the ocean and come back up the river) which was approximately 8 lbs and 30 inches long!

 The Steelhead Sherman caught plus two trouts.

 My proud fisherman!!

LOL! Fishhead!

In the afternoon, my beautiful sister, Sabrina, came over to hang out. Sometimes I wished she lived closer (she lives in Eugene, about an hour and half away). As children we didn't get along much, but now we are like best-friends and we talk almost everyday! Sabrina brought her dog with her so our dogs could play together ... really they just both lay there and sleep lol! 

Sabrina napping on the love seat with both of our dogs. 

We made a yummy pasta for dinner that had zucchini and tomatoes with a white sauce over egg noodles and garlic bread on the side. 

Unfortunately, my back was hurting a lot so I took all my pain killers so I could go to sleep. Right now the doctors have me on 5 different pain killers. The good news is that they do help me to get some relief from the pain, but the bad news is that they make me feel nausea, dizzy, super sleepy, can't think straight, and just not myself. Today I woke up early in the morning with pain so I took for painkillers and didn't wake up again until 4pm. I feel like my life is just passing me by when I'm on the drugs. Tomorrow, I'm having my 3rd injection. The last two haven't helped, in fact I hurt worse after them, but the doctor wants to try another time. We will see what happens. However, I'm grateful for the good moments that help get through the good ones.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Recently I watched an episode of Extreme Couponing on TLC. After watching the show, I thought to myself, "If other women are able to build up food storage and household supplies for very little money, why can't I do it?" So, I've been reading blogs and searching for coupons. I don't receive the newspaper so I'm looking for people who do get to give me their newspapers before they recycle them. Sherman thinks I'm funny because I'm because very focused on doing this, but sometimes I need the distraction from the pain and health problems.

I goal is that by the end of September I will get a hang on couponing and start my stockpile! I guess we'll see what happens!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

For Time and All Eternity

On March 27th, 2010, Sherman and I were married only for time, however, on June 18th, 2011, we decided to be sealed to one another for eternity in the Portland temple. I was so overjoyed that day, that I just kept smiling and crying for joy! With all that has happened to Sherman and I, I have a lot of peace in knowing that no matter what, we will be together forever. We were glad that we were able to share this special day with friends and family. I have a few pictures, but not everyone is in the pictures. Here's the pictures:

Boise Trip (6/29 - 7/1)

At the end of June, we traveled out to Boise Idaho to see my brother, Sean get married to his beautiful bride, Monica! We had lots of fun and I'm so glad that we were able to go. Here are some pictures I took:

 At Monica's bridal shower 

 waiting outside the temple for the Bride and Groom to come out after the ceremony 
Above: Sabrina my sister; Below: Sherman and I

 A few pictures showing Sean and Monica's personalities! I love them!

 All the family on both sides that were there for the wedding 
(Monica comes from a HUGE family)

 Sean's side of the family
 Like father, like son
 It was such a pleasure meeting Monica's parents!

 Being at their wedding reminded us a lot of our sealing and wedding. 
It was nice to have the reminder.
 LOL! My sister and I are always silly together!
 The Bailey children and their spouses!

 I loved this picture that was part of the centerpiece of the table we sat at.
 Very yummy food!
 Who gave Sean a knife? LOL

 That's one way of serving cake to your bride.
 I like how she is looking at Sean out of the corner of her eyes.
 Sean & Monica's hands with their wedding rings. 
I took this picture because there was a similar picture taken at my parents' wedding.
 The car! We could not believe what had been done to their car!
There was whip cream, cookies, candy, toilet paper, and peanut butter on the handles.

 Two of Monica's brothers took to the car to a local car wash and cleaned it before the bride and groom left. It looked much better!
 My beautiful new sister-in-law ready to leave for her honeymoon!

With standing outside the temple for pictures and swimming for a bit between the wedding and dinner, I got VERY sunburned! I spent the next few days in my new swimsuit without the straps on.

All and all, it was a great wedding and I'm so very happy for my brother and his new beautiful bride! Welcome to the family Monica! We are so happy to have you in our family!